Solar For Rural

GRS India Solar For Rural

Solar Power Solutions for Rural Development

We provide quality solar power solutions for rural development across the country. These solar solutions are easy to install, reliable and high on performance. Through our rural development solutions, we transformed various villages and fulfill all the energy requirement of the village including domestic and commercial lights, entertainment facilities and intelligent water pumping systems. Our products provide good quality power in order to keep the work going without any hindrance.

The electricity in villages opened up employment opportunities for local youth with clean energy generation. The schools run on solar power has led to the development of village children. Solar energy and solar products have a vast usage in rural areas leading to development.

The solar energy is used in solar cooker for cooking, solar water heaters for heating water, solar panels for generating power and there are many other solar energy uses which are becoming a helping hand in rural development.

The Light A Home campaign is making a concerted effort towards addressing these critical issues to enable energy access for all by providing clean lighting to billions that are at the bottom of the pyramid, and has adopted a localized, bottom-up approach to addressing it.

Service Management & Training Rural Solar Engineers

As a part of providing service, maintenance and installation facilities for solar products we will be creating Rural Solar Hubs in each village/districts where installation happens. In this selective youths from the respective villages will be identifies and will be provided with solar lantern/home-light system assembling, installation and repairing training.

The objective of this program will be to provide adequate service facilities for the systems being distributed in the respective villages and to enable rural youths to earn livelihood in their village by taking initiatives that will create better infrastructural, economical and educational facilities in rural India.

This program will enable creating solar installation, assembling and repairing facilities in rural belts across India and will also fulfill our objective to provide electrification of remote areas.

GRS India Solar For Rural

Barriers to success

Compared with energy from fossil fuels, solar energy systems are flexible, low maintenance and environmentally benign, but they have their limitations. "Most disadvantaged subsistence farmers will generally not be able to afford solar systems" the report states. Furthermore, batteries to store solar electricity can be costly and problematic: A backup system is required for night-time and days with little sunlight, and disposal of the batteries poses an environmental threat.

More problematic are the institutional barriers: high start-up costs coupled with lack of financing mechanisms lead to low volumes of sales, and the relatively long chain from the producer of the solar panels to the end user results in high transaction costs. These are key reasons for the lack of infrastructure and political commitment. This vicious circle has tended to make solar energy systems unattractive both to the rural user and to many investors.

GRS India Solar For Rural

Potential of solar energy applications

There is hope for overcoming the financial and institutional barriers to solar energy success. In India, despite punishing tax and tariff policies that favor conventional energy resources such as kerosene and other fossil fuels, between 50 000 and 70 000 solar home systems have been installed. This demonstrates how the private sector can develop a solid market by reaching those rural customers left unnerved by a monopolistic power System.

To fully exploit the potential of solar energy will require several institutional changes in the energy sector:

Rural and agricultural development banks must make solar energy systems eligible for loans.
The systems must be made more attractive to private investors.

Above all, the energy, agriculture, education and health sectors must work together to promote solar technology, improve maintenance and servicing infrastructure and create sustainable markets for the creation, use and funding of solar energy systems.

However, connecting the rural communities to these grids is not profitable, requires heavy government subsidies and does not always bring the projected benefits.